Gina is a thought-leader in talent and leadership development with over 2.5 decades of experience in both corporate in-house and global consulting firm roles. She is driven by being a Catalyst, to create breakthroughs and inclusive workplaces, enabling resilient and impactful leadership. Gina is a sought-after master executive coach, key-note speaker and panellist, dynamic facilitator, and a change-maker. She has developed and designed workshops on 35 management topics and most recently is a published author of the book "Impactful Leadership: Unlock Your Power with CABI™".
Gina Marescia
Areas of Expertise
Impactful communication skills
Executive presence and visibility
Executive derailment
Team coaching (intact teams)
Peer Group Coaching (set up)
Leadership skills and challenges
Onboarding coaching
High Performance coaching
Purpose and value-based leadership
Group coaching
Team dynamics
Women leaders
Assessment expert coach
(e.g. 360, assessment centers, personality/style or preference profiling tools) -
Change transition coaching
Trained Executive & Team Coach (NLP coach-Raising the Bar, Accenture, DDI, LIM-Team Coach, Cavanagh/Coaching Psychology Unit, Sydney).
Certified Resilience Coach (PSI). Gina also currently supervises 12 Resilience Coaches.
Approved Coach Trainer (DDI, PSI, JDN & Associates, Accenture).
Licensed in a suite of Management/Leadership workshops including four Coaching Workshops.
Certified in Team HOGAN, HOGAN Leadership Series, MBTI, DISC, SHAPES, Harrison, & a range of other 360 & psychometric tools. Certified in over 70 CEB & Cut-e ability & aptitude tests.
Certified to run over 70 DDI management/personal effectiveness programs.
Partner to PSI, Assessment Solutions, Cut-e, and other US/European consulting firms.
Speaker/pro-bono facilitator: Gender Equity Conference, HK Directors Forum, HKIHRM & SHRI Conferences, The HK Women’s Foundation (TWF), Women in Finance, Women in Recruitment, Actuarial Society, Leadership Institute, MBA HKU, HKU & Common Purpose, Community Business.
Two postgraduate degrees in Education & Organizational Psychology; Change/OD Cert: Said Business School, Oxford).